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ÉCRIRE EN FRANÇAIS. Histoires de langues, voyages de mots

From January 24 to April 20, at the Alliance Française of Houston, discover the stories of 100 authors from around the world, all of whom have chosen the French language as their means of expression and transmission. 
Through quotations from their works and previously unpublished written and video testimonials, you'll be plunged into the heart of a multitude of journeys and experiences highlighted by Bernard Magnier and Sabyl Ghoussoub and illustrated by Raphaelle Macaron 🎨 . 

"They were born in Buenos-Aires, Tokyo or Kabul, in Dakar, Beirut or Saigon. In China, Syria, Bulgaria or Iran... In Moroni, Trois Boutiques or Stalowa Wola... Places, countries and lands with no immediate ties to the French language. Helped by fate, chance, personal or collective history, inspired by their dramas, their loves, their encounters, these authors and their words have traveled. They all write in French. A French language inherited, imposed or chosen, with which they have a pragmatic, amorous, conflictual, passionate and creative relationship. A "mother tongue", "grandmother tongue", "natural", "vital"... Their language! But why? How do they take hold of this language? How did they receive it? How did they take it? How did they learn it? How did they shake it up, enrich it, blend it? These are the itineraries, these traces, that are brought together here."

Bernard Magnier - exhibition curator  

Opening times and access

Free admission

Alliance Française of Houston

427 Lovett Blvd, Houston Tx 77006

Du lundi au vendredi

 9h30 - 14h30

The origins of the exhibition

​A cycle of literary encounters entitled "En français dans le texte" offered since 2017 by the Alliance française de Paris.

In 7 years, this cycle has welcomed 45 guests from 26 countries at 34 meetings. It has attracted a total of over 20,000 spectators from 95 countries, in person, and online.

4 exhibition themes

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Exhibition curated by :

Concept and choice of texts:  Bernard Magnier, in collaboration with Sabyl Ghoussoub

Art direction and illustrations: Raphaëlle Macaron

Graphics: Sunra Thompson

Discover the authors and writers who contributed to this exhibition :

Zeina Abirached, Marguerite Abouet, Mohammed Aïssaoui, Jean-Marie Adiaffi, Laura Alcoba, Vassilis Alexakis, Feurat Alani, Salah Al Hamdani,
Eva Almassy, Pauline Alphen, Kebir Ammi, Samuel Beckett, Yahia Belaskri, Tahar Ben Jellou, Mbareck Ould Beyrouk, Hemley Boum, Doan Bui, Estelle-Sarah Bulle, Ying Chen, François Cheng, Ook Chung, Velibor Čolić, Raphaël Confiant, Florent Couao-Zotti, Louis-Philippe Dalembert, Ananda Devi, Ousmane Diarra, Boubacar Boris Diop, Negar Djavadi, Abdelkader Djemaï, Elisa Shua Dusapin, Sedef Ecer, Soeuf Elbadawi, Yara El-Ghadban, Axel Gauvin, Gauz, Sabyl Ghoussoub, Aliona Gloukhova, Simonetta Greggio, Elitza Gueorguieva, Jadd Hilal 
L. Horňáková-Civade, Loo Hui Phang, Fawaz Hussain, Nancy Huston, Katrina Kalda, Kateb Yacine, Karim Kattan, Vénus Khoury Ghata, Ahmadou Kourouma, Julia Kristeva, Agota Kristof, Milan Kundera, Abdellatif Laâbi, Sony Labou Tansi, Dany Laferrière, J.M.G. Le Clézio, Jonathan Littell, Amin Maalouf, Alain Mabanckou, Charif Majdalani, Maryam Madjidi, Andrei Makine, Yamen Manai, Rita Mestokosho, Shmuel T. Meyer, Léonora Miano, Akira Mizubayashi, Tierno Monénembo  

Wajdi Mouawad, Fiston Mwanza Mujila, Bessa Myftiu, Naïri Nahapétian, Blaise Ndala, M-A Oho-Bambe, Polina Panassenko, Pia Petersen, Titaua Peu, Gisèle Pineau, Denis Pourawa, Emmelie Prophète, Jean-luc Raharimanana, Johary Ravaloson, Atiq Rahimi, Shan Sa, Rodney Saint-Éloi, Boualem Sansal, Mohamed Mbougar Sarr, Riad Sattouf, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Jorge Semprun, Shumona Sinha, Leïla Slimani, Omar Y. Souleimane, Marzena Sowa, Mani Soleymanlou, Brina Svit, Véronique Tadjo, Irina Teodorescu, Sami Tchak, Kim Thúy, Mateï Visniec, Abdourahman Waberi, Wei-Wei, Nina Yargeko, Chabname Zariâb, Fawzia Zouari

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